Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer 2009

It is hard to believe that summer has come and almost gone around here. The kids head back to school in 3 weeks. I don't think they're ready for that; they've been swimming for hours on end all summer long. I however have been neglecting my poor family for the sake of what I hope to be decent grades. I'm happy to report that it looks like I will finish the semester with an "A" and a "B" so I can't complain too much.

Eric, Olivia, Tucker and Rebekah will be heading to New York for a mission trip with our church on Sunday. Eric is the only bus driver so pray for safe travels and good weather during the long 2-day journey there. You may remember that Eric and Olivia went last year. We are so glad that Tucker and Rebekah will join them this year. We had wanted the entire family to go, but I have a final next week and it just didn't seem we could both miss a week of work without pay. I know that God will do amazing things thru them this week though.

Baby Guthrie is still growing at great pace (apparently too well if your gauging it by looking at her mama's ever expanding bottom half). Heart rate is good and in case you haven't heard, we are fairly positive it's a girl. Tucker is holding out hope that they're wrong. We are struggling for a name though. I like Lyric, Darby and Quinn. Tucker and Olivia like Lyric and Quinn. Eric never "likes" anything so I just have to read between the lines and hear him when he really doesn't like something and he really doesn't like Lyric. So for now we're trying to come up with something that sounds nice with Quinn. I would like that to be the first name since that is what I would like to call her. The problem is it does not sound good with anything we have tried. We would love suggestions though.

Doctor Taylor has suggested that I go for echo to make sure everything looks good and to determine what degree of mitral valve prolapse I have. He's left it in my court and I think I may go ahead and do that during August. Pray for discernment there. I don't want any unnecessary tests but I think we need accurate information to determine the best route to take for the best outcome and safe delivery.

Last little tidbits...

Christen is saying so many new things, she is developing a feisty little personality. She and Nora Kate continue to enjoy school. We're trying our best to tackle potty training before the baby is here in October. Kyle and I are going to spend Wednesday with Laura in Chattanooga; we will be going to the Aquarium and hopefully somewhere fun for lunch. Pray that our week without Eric and the "big" kids goes smoothly, I anticipate some rough mornings but we'll persevere I'm sure.

We're off to spend the evening celebrating Cy’s birthday with Katie and Cleve and the rest of the Bennett family. The kids can’t wait to meet their new cousin Charlotte. Hope to have new pictures soon, but you’ve heard that one before.

Have a blessed weekend.

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