Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer 2009

It is hard to believe that summer has come and almost gone around here. The kids head back to school in 3 weeks. I don't think they're ready for that; they've been swimming for hours on end all summer long. I however have been neglecting my poor family for the sake of what I hope to be decent grades. I'm happy to report that it looks like I will finish the semester with an "A" and a "B" so I can't complain too much.

Eric, Olivia, Tucker and Rebekah will be heading to New York for a mission trip with our church on Sunday. Eric is the only bus driver so pray for safe travels and good weather during the long 2-day journey there. You may remember that Eric and Olivia went last year. We are so glad that Tucker and Rebekah will join them this year. We had wanted the entire family to go, but I have a final next week and it just didn't seem we could both miss a week of work without pay. I know that God will do amazing things thru them this week though.

Baby Guthrie is still growing at great pace (apparently too well if your gauging it by looking at her mama's ever expanding bottom half). Heart rate is good and in case you haven't heard, we are fairly positive it's a girl. Tucker is holding out hope that they're wrong. We are struggling for a name though. I like Lyric, Darby and Quinn. Tucker and Olivia like Lyric and Quinn. Eric never "likes" anything so I just have to read between the lines and hear him when he really doesn't like something and he really doesn't like Lyric. So for now we're trying to come up with something that sounds nice with Quinn. I would like that to be the first name since that is what I would like to call her. The problem is it does not sound good with anything we have tried. We would love suggestions though.

Doctor Taylor has suggested that I go for echo to make sure everything looks good and to determine what degree of mitral valve prolapse I have. He's left it in my court and I think I may go ahead and do that during August. Pray for discernment there. I don't want any unnecessary tests but I think we need accurate information to determine the best route to take for the best outcome and safe delivery.

Last little tidbits...

Christen is saying so many new things, she is developing a feisty little personality. She and Nora Kate continue to enjoy school. We're trying our best to tackle potty training before the baby is here in October. Kyle and I are going to spend Wednesday with Laura in Chattanooga; we will be going to the Aquarium and hopefully somewhere fun for lunch. Pray that our week without Eric and the "big" kids goes smoothly, I anticipate some rough mornings but we'll persevere I'm sure.

We're off to spend the evening celebrating Cy’s birthday with Katie and Cleve and the rest of the Bennett family. The kids can’t wait to meet their new cousin Charlotte. Hope to have new pictures soon, but you’ve heard that one before.

Have a blessed weekend.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Warning... She's losing it a little.

Wow, it's been a long time since I updated. We are so busy these days. I can’t wait until summer (for the kids at least), they have 1 more week of school then they can sleep in a little. I however must take two classes this summer, one of them is at night. I hate it because as usual I will need so much help from so many people (Eric, Carole, my mom, Grandmother & who knows who else).

Clinicals this past semester have been wonderful. I have been able to observe and even help a little in the maternity unit at Gordon Hospital. Having had all my babies here I felt right at home and so excited that I enjoyed it so much (as this is where I hope to work once I graduate) – I’ve also learned I have so much more to learn.

We were discussing large families. A wonderful nurse asked me how many I was planning on having. I said, as I usually do, “As many as God gives.” But this time I thought for a minute and added, “Or until he gives me a sign that I my body can’t handle any more pregnancies.” Where did that come from? How could you say that out loud? Don’t you still believe God knows best? Sure I do. Then where’s your faith? I do seem to ask myself questions like this, not out loud though; I’m not that far gone – medication could possibly help. My faith is in a God that grants great wisdom and understanding of our bodies, so intricately designed by Him, to earthly physicians. I joked that it was her job to tell all the doctors to tell me it was time to stop. But seriously, I’ve really started to become concerned as I gather a little more knowledge regarding our bodies, childbearing and how it could affect my overall health.

I heard our little babies heartbeat today he (don’t know that for sure yet) was hiding a little, but finally heard a wonderfully strong, regular little heartbeat. The doctor asked if I had any questions, I did, but none that I could bring myself to discuss with her at this time. I think I fear what response might be.

I was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse (MVP) when I was in the 8th grade. I briefly saw a cardiologist that worked in the office my mom manages and he performed a very brief echo where he said, “Yep, its MVP, doesn’t look like there’s any regurgitation, so I’d say she’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.” Ok, he’s the specialist, good enough for us. Now here I am almost 20 years later and while pregnant I find myself suffering from recurrent spells of chest tightening, pain and shortness of breath – all symptoms of a worsening MVP. So why does this happen when I’m pregnant? Well that’s because my blood volume increases by 50% which puts a heavier work load on my heart, which allows for some of that regurgitation (that I supposedly never had way back when – but have since learned is actually what causes the pain). So why does each pregnancy bring more of the spells than the one before – well the thing I fear is that because the valve gets weakened a little more with each child.

So where am I going with this? Hang with me a little longer to see things that way I see them. I know that God creates and gives life. I know that He has blessed us with a wonderful family. But He has also blessed us with wisdom and discernment (or so I’m hoping). My recent fear (less recent than the MVP concerns) has been that having multiple children puts a strain on the uterus and bladder(which doesn’t work so well after 7 pregnancies – well it really didn’t work so well after 1 but you can imagine after 7) and that one day I would be told you really shouldn’t have more children. I have been completely prepared (if not even secretly praying) for that day. So with these things in mind how do I reconcile my belief in God numbering our children and God wanting me to preserve the life He granted me to care for the children I already have. Does that make sense?

It’s really a great struggle in my mind, a battlefield of sorts. My prayer is that in the coming 5 months the Lord would really make His plan for us known. I need a peace to believe it’s from Him. I pray that He will bless this little baby with all the strength and health he needs to grow within me. My other prayer is that God would strengthen the valves in my heart that they would always do what He intended for them to do (I’m assuming that’s work properly) and keep me as healthy as possible.

So if you don’t mind, keep our family in your prayers. And let us know if you have any concerns you need us to pray about too. There's power in prayer and comfort in your friendship.

May you feel God's grace today.

Philippians 1:9-11
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Christen!

Our sweet little girl turns 1 today. I'm completely overwhelmed by school, work, conferences and family life today. But I simply couldn't let the day get by without posting Christen's birthday. I wish I had some pictures to share - hopefully I'll get a few this evening or tomorrow at her family birthday bash. God has blessed us so much with her little life. She is such a happy girl. Hope you're having a great week. Talk with you all soon.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Are you serious?

Yes. We told our children last night. Christen, who's turning 1 in March, is going to be a big sister! I was a little concerned over what their reaction might be... for no good reason. They took the news great. Of course when we called all of them into the living room at one time with stupid-silly grins it didn't take long for Olivia and Rebekah to guess. It took Tucker a little longer to realize what was going on - when he did figure it out he was speechless - which is kind of unusual - you can imagine how hard he's praying for a brother! Kyle was quiet and retreated to her room. When I called her back to see what was up, she came and gave me a big hug and said I don't want you to be pregnant (that was the term Olivia kept saying, "She's pregnant!"), I asked why not and she just has this sad look on her face. I explained that God felt we needed one more baby, to that she said, "Oh! Ok." I told her I would need her to be a special helper, she was good with that and was off again. I think she thought "pregnant" was a disease. I've got a chronic case!

Speaking of God, I would like to elaborate on our stand regarding our belief in birth control, we don't. During these times, the whole 9 months I'm pregnant (Baby G is due 10.28.2009) people find it necessary to question if we know what causes this, sometimes they ask if we're catholic, when are you going to be through - all kinds of crazy stuff that considerate people wouldn't ask. I told a dear friend of mine that I was pregnant yesterday; I knew she would be supportive and needed to hear someone else laugh about this. However, one of the comments she made was, "Heather I was hoping you would wait a little while this time." If I were planning this it most certainly wouldn't have been now. I've selfishly prayed for God would close my womb. THIS, however, is about God's timing. I need to be clear here - IF I had done things in my time - I probably would only have 2 children - a girl and a boy. But God knows so much better than I do what is best for me. I think of the laughter and love I would have missed out on if my plan had succeeded.

I have prayed long and hard over the course of the last 6-9 years and I can't find any biblical support for interfering with procreation. God is the author of life and He alone allows a spirit to inhabit a body. I welcome any peaceful, unhurtful comments to the contrary.

Sometimes surrendering all means giving up some of your wants to make way for the needs God always supplies. I will be in the middle of my last year of nursing school when this baby makes his/her debut and at this time I don't plan to put that goal on hold. Any and all prayers for mental, physical and spiritual strength are coveted. Your prayers are our lifeline. You're a need God has filled. Consider yourself a tool in the Masters hand.

We love you!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It has been brought to my attention (by my sister and father) that I ran out of steam on the posts about the children and Eric. Laura thought I would be far mushier. My dad seems to think that Eric is some kind of super man or that I'm lying about how good he really is.

Let me first say it is really exhausting to try and put into words what you think and feel about 7 of the most important people in your life. My hope is that I will continue to post the little snippets of our life here to share with you. It is always my desire that people know that I am a child of a really AWESOME God who blessed me with a wonderful family - not a perfect one.

Eric is a wonderful husband that much I've already shared with you. I've been told my narrative was a little over the top and that surely he isn't that good. Well, the truth is, He is that good. Not that he doesn't have faults but as his wife, my job is to build him up not tear him down. God will work in those areas that need improvement without my nagging. What I didn't share with you is what a good father he is. Again - not perfect, but ever seeking to improve. One thing I admire about Eric is his willingness to say, "I'm sorry" or "I was wrong". If he ever punishes or criticizes the children or myself to harshly he will always come back to apologize or explain his judgment. He is such a humble man, God is just beginning really use him.

God is so good to us. Even through our trials, HE is GOOD. I have felt for some time that God was preparing us for a tragedy - I can't explain it. I felt as if what we went thru with Olivia illness (congestive heart failure) was a trial run - it's actually scary to think about. I don't think of it too negatively though. Let me try and explain - I keep hearing stories of people who have lost their children. I think I relate to that because of how close we feel we came to losing Olivia and obviously through what we experienced with our miscarriage. I don't necessarily think God will take one of our children through some great tragedy but I do believe He is preparing us to walk through some great valley. I don't wait on the fall, I wait upon the Lord, for He is Good.

School has been crazy and I've started slipping up a little when it comes to keeping my schedule straight. Work, school, Eric, the kids - sometimes it gets downright difficult! Pray that God will continue to strengthen me spiritually and physically that I might endure what is before me.

I pray you have the peace that passes all understanding. Remember, God is Good and He cares for you today!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hmmm. Olivia is almost a teenager! What more can I say?

Honestly, Olivia is such a helper, not that she does it all willingly or with a happy spirit about herself. She does have many responsibilities. She set the bar pretty high at an early age so we expect so much out of her.

Anytime I'm asked if we're going have more children Tucker will say "Probably", and Olivia will say, "NO! They're done!" (Tucker's the prophet, remember). Gotta love her.

Laundry is her big chore right now and she hates it. How many of you like to do laundry? She also helps out a lot with bath time and keeping an eye on Nora Kate and Christen.

We do have spells of drama - I think she dreams big - but that's ok. She's got a little sass and sarcasm - but I know she's working on those. She enjoys singing and started playing drums this year in the school band. She also enjoys signing in church. I also happen to know she's a little boy crazy - pray with us please! We encourage our children to wait on the Lord to bring that special person into their lives. No need to "date" or "go with" anybody since God has a perfect plan and will for our lives. Not all of them will agree with us, but that's the hard part of parenting - doing what God tells you when they disagree - no one ever said it would be easy.

Olivia - You are our first born. God has and is using you to teach us so many lessons. We love you, for who you are not what you do. Please don't ever resent us or take your place in our family for granted - I pray that you will always appreciate where God has placed you. You do have a lot of resposibility on you and you are a good girl. Know that God can and will use these experiences now to make you the best you can be, whether it's as a wife, mother, or missionary (or all three). You have a lot to offer this world, don't be caught up in being like the other girls your age - be you!



We already had girl, and on this day we had our son. Our family was complete. Who knew? God has a great sense of humor.

On Tucker's baptism day our pastor told us that Tucker was going to be a preacher. We're trying to help mold him; I think God could do a better job without us, seriously pray with us. If it was some kind of prophetic vision we should be steering him in the right direction. I've often thought Tucker was a prophet - so this wasn't too far out there for me to contemplate.

When we told Tucker that we were pregnant with Kyle he said, "I know." I was completely puzzled. I asked him what he meant, his reply, "God told me when the baby in your belly died that He was going to give you another one." We we're blown away with that one. Then right before Nora Kate came along he said something to the effect that we were going to have a baby and this one I was clueless on - but sure enough.

Needless to say, I've quit talking to Tucker about babies. I'm kidding, its Eric I need to quit talking to.

Tucker wants a brother so badly. He was very disappointed when he heard the Christen was a girl - He loves her now! Tucker is a great big brother. He is willing to help with anything - except diaper duty. He will give Christen her bottle in the morning or sit and play with her while I'm getting ready.

Tucker is very competitive. We already knew this; however it has become increasingly clear since the Wii has made its way into our home. We regularly do Wii fit (by we I mean me and Eric) and it drives the kids crazy, they thought we got it for them. Anyhow - Tucker is insanely upset that Eric has all of the "best" rankings on the Ski Jump, well not just the best, he occupies every slot. I keep reminding them it's about your personal best - don't compare yourself to the others - then I get up and push someone out of the way to see if I can out do them - not sure where he gets the competitive spirit??

He has a little temper that needs taming at times, but who doesn't? He's a funny boy. He'll sweep some girl off her feet one day - just like his daddy!

Tucker - you are my baby boy - I know you don't like to think of yourself in that way - but that is who you are and will always be. God has great plans for your future. Continue to look after your sisters; God has given them to you - not to be a burden, but a blessing. He is molding you into a wonderful young man. I pray that if ministry is in your future that you make wise choices now that will open the doors God has set before you. You have so much to offer the world. We love you!


Rebekah is our tender hearted middle child. She is so sincere, regardless of what spirit she might be in. She says what she means and takes you at your word. She reminds me of my sister, Katie. She always wants to give to others.

When she gets money for her birthday or Christmas she wants to give part of it to Tucker or Olivia. I think she's really trying to buy their affections. They love Rebekah but they can be really mean, bratty, older siblings some days.

Rebekah started taking piano lessons with Doug Baker at Stephens Music. She's been kind of bummed that Karate classes were put on hold this year, she really enjoyed doing that.

Rebekah frequently scores higher on Wii than Tucker and Olivia and that drives them crazy! I'm secretly pleased - I know that's probably bad to wish that they'd get some of their own medicine back at 'em - but I do.

Rebekah has been asking lots of questions about Jesus and what it means to be saved. She wants to be baptized but hasn't given us the responses we feel we need to hear in order to follow thru with that. She gets discouraged but we want her to have a genuine conversion and not something that's based on envy or jealousy of some friend or family member. We know that her days were numbered before she took her first breath and that if she does have it all right in her heart that we aren't keeping her from a relationship with Jesus. Please pray that we will heed the Lord and listen to His guidance in the direction we take in regards to our children's spiritual lives.

Rebekah - I know you feel out of place at times, it breaks my heart when you say no one likes you. No matter how you may be treated by others, know that you were created in the image of a God that loves you so much that He sent his son to earth to die for your sins. I love you for being the tender-hearted girl that you are. There's no reason to search for who you are in this world - you are already who God wanted you to be and we love that you more than we could ever love any other.


What can you say about Kyle?

Let me tell you how we explained Kyle to her new Pre-k teacher this past fall. Ms. Mary (whom we know because she had Olivia 8 years ago) called to introduce herself and ask if there was anything she should know about Kyle prior to orientation. I explained to her that my dad had been waiting to hear who the lucky teacher would be so he could begin praying for her by name. Not that Kyle is a problem child but she is very high strung to say the least. Ms. Mary asked if she was bright like Olivia, my response was, "Well, she is bright, but you have to watch out because Kyle is more street smart than book smart, she's sassy and won't take anything off anybody."

Papa told her once that he would, "Pin her ears back." She was quite upset and said, "You will not pee in my ears!" After regaining his composure he teased her about coming to her house, which she replied, "I'll punch you in the nose if you come to my house!" Kyle keeps us in stitches.

This past March while I was on maternity leave, Kyle helped me with getting ready in the mornings by keeping an eye on Nora Kate. One morning she came to the bathroom to tell me she had us all ready to go. I asked what she meant. She had gotten 3 week old Christen off the middle of my bed and not only put her in the car seat but buckled up as well. I ran for fear that Christen would have been choking or had a hand pinched in the buckle. For those of you with children who have had to ride in infant car seat/carriers you know what a difficult task this was. My fear was unfounded, she was content in her seat, never to have known what could have been. I turned to Kyle and thanked her for helping but that she should never move her again.

Kyle has a special place in our hearts, all of our children do. However, I found out I was pregnant with Kyle exactly 6 weeks after losing a baby to miscarriage. God sent her to us to help ease the pain of that loss. What a special way to divert our focus from loss and grief to that of a new life. It was at that time in our marriage that we realized only God could number the children we would or wouldn't have. She didn't take the place of that baby, but she did bring unimaginable joy and laughter to our lives.

Kyle, you are such a special little girl. We love you so much. You have a way of lighting up room. When things seem so serious you have a way of reminding us to look at the lighter side of life. I pray you will always be true to yourself and the Lord that created you. God sent you to us just when we needed you most. I love how you always want to accomplish things on you own, but rest assured that we will be here when you can't.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nora Kate

A few weeks ago several of us had stomach bugs. Nora Kate was pretty pitiful, she couldn't hold anything down, and she was begging us for something to eat. I agreed to allow her a popsicle, we enjoyed them together - it was the first time in years that I'd had a popsicle. She couldn't keep it down - but that's not really a part of this story. Over the next couple of days she had several more popsicles.

The following Sunday we were getting in the van to go to church. I quickly grabbed a few tampons to put in my bag (which was already in the van); I opened the door and tossed them on top of my other things. Nora Kate wasn't buckled so I leaned back over to buckle her and she asked for a popsicle. I was quite puzzled because we don't normally have popsicles in the morning - we don't normally have popsicles at all. SO, I said, "You silly girl we don't have any popsicles." and sat back down in my seat. She just kept looking at me with expecting eyes and this sweet little smile, I said, "What is it?” She just pointed down to my bag. I burst into laughter. She thought I was stashing popsicles in my bag when she saw the banana flavored popsicles on top (yellow regular flow Tampax brand popsicles, TMI? Sorry but you have to envision what she saw). It was just too funny. So now the joke around the house is popsicles. Forevermore, when it's that time of the month we will have "popsicles" on our mind. They say laughter is medicine for the soul - with Nora Kate and Kyle around we should never have sick souls.

Continuing with the most recent events in Nora Kate's young life, Christmas was completely Dora. Not sure why she's so fascinated by Dora, maybe it's the whole name rhyming thing. She got Dora pillows, blankets, clothes, toys, plates, you name and she's got it. She and Kyle also got a new kitchen to play with.

Nora Kate loves her baby Christen. She doesn't just say Christen, sometimes it's Baby Christen and sometimes it’s just Baby. She loves her so much; I can see them being very close as they grow up together. She's very protective of her too. Each evening at daycare, when I pick her up, she immediately looks for her sister.

She's had several ear infections this year. We had tubes in September. They're doing the job - sort of - we're in the middle of a bad one at the moment. She had a real hard time with the anesthesia - hoping to never experience that again.
School (daycare) of course is the big life altering event in Nora Kate's life this year. It was a hard adjustment. She enjoys it now - with exception to this morning's drop off which I left in tears as she was screaming, "I want my mommy." Her teacher is leaving Friday so I hope the replacement, whom she knows, will be as good for her as Ms. Amber has been. We're also praying for spring - I think she'll feel better once she can play outside more.

She's getting a little sassy too. Her favorite words right now are "Hush" and "Right now!" I'm not sure where she gets this stuff, but she barks the commands to her siblings. Don't get me wrong, she can be very polite too. She says, "Excuse me", "Please", "Thank you", and even "You're welcome". She has eyes that will melt you instantly.

Nora Kate - God has given you a life that will speak volumes to others. I pray that you will continue to keep that spirit - and use it to bring glory to Him. I hope that you always know how much your daddy and I love you and no matter how many babies come in to our home you will always have a most special place in our hearts.

Press on toward the Goal.
- Heather


March 2008 brought a new life into our home. Christen has been such a joy. Babies always are! Her personality is rapidly developing into one that will give all of us a run for our money.

God has taught me to be grateful for the little moments in Christen's life. Several months after she was born I heard about Luke Sponberg's passing of SIDS. I was heartbroken for his family. We're regular listeners of Moody radio and I was constantly hearing Nicol's (his mom) songs being played. Her songs have such depth and meaning - I usually end up in tears. Without going into too much more detail I will just say my path crossed their path in more unexpected ways. At this same time Christen was going thru some ear infections, teething, upset stomach, etc spells where she just couldn't sleep. In the late nights or early mornings I would just hold her and think about how God had given me that moment with her and no matter how tired or irritable I was, it was far better than empty arms and the unimaginable that the Sponbergs and Smiths were having to endure.

Christen is going to be our adventurous child. She can't walk yet. But she will climb anything she can get her foot on. I've found her in standing in rocking chairs, crawling over the side of the recliner, climbing out of high chair - this she can do while buckled in!?? I see her being the one that sends us to the ER with broken bones or stitches (six kids and we've eluded this).

Most recently we are enduring another nasty ear infection. Christen's little body is affected by the antibiotics more than any of our other children have ever been. We're trying Probiotics this time around to see if they can offset the havoc wrecked by the Augmentin. Pray for her recovery and for her body to build resistance now that she is exposed to so much more in the daycare setting.

Christen - my dear baby girl. In this moment, you are the last child God has blessed us with. You are a light on dark days. I love to see your happy smile and the way you jump in your bed first thing in the morning. I love how - at the end of most days you drift off to sleep in your own bed secure in who you are and in the confidence you must have in us. I pray that as parents we won't let you down and that God would continue to watch over you - His arms are far safer than ours will ever be.

Find your joy in Jesus today!
- Heather

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So I wanted to take time to look back on 2008 and to reflect on all the good God has done in my life. I say good because we know that "all things work together for the good of those called according to God's purpose." I was going to start by doing a different post for each of our children. After yesterday's post I decided that I needed to address the greatest gift outside of salvation that God has blessed me with and that would be my dear sweet husband.

Fifteen years ago, God changed my life. He brought this wonderful, totally not for me person into my life. I can't remember the exact time Eric began coming to Meadowdale but I do remember My first recollection of him. One day while shopping at Walmart with my grandmother, Eric passed our way and said, "Hi." My grandmother looked at me and said, "Who is that?" I'll have to admit that there was a little bit of snobbiness in her voice, maybe even a lot of it. I said, "That happens to be best person I know." Not sure where that came from - at that time I hadn't had a lot of contact with him, but from that day on there was this bizarre attraction. He had started working with the youth at Meadowdale during a time when I was running from God - doing plenty of things I shouldn't have been with people I shouldn't have been around. Our paths crossed a few more times. He even invited the guy I was dating at the time to come to church - He said I shouldn't be dating anyone that wasn't in church.

Maybe it was my hypocrisy, but that guy dumped me shortly thereafter. Our paths seemed to cross more frequently and there was definitely a mutual attraction - it might have been that whole "my dad's going to hate this guy because he's everything I was warned not to bring home, so I'm going after him" thing - more likely it was God weaving a beautiful story into place. Whatever it was, it changed my life forever. Within 2 weeks of our first "date" we knew we wanted to be married, within 2 months we were engaged and 12 months later we were married.

Our marriage has been filled with hard times financially, physically, mentally, spiritually - just like most of you. But through it all God has been so faithful and in the last year I have seen a side of Eric that has really blown me away. It has taken time to look back and see that he has loved me thru some seemingly unlovable times - I have pictures to prove it. Not that our physical appearance is what we should base our affections on - but as women I do feel we should do our best to be attractive for our husbands - that's another blog for a different day. My attitude hasn't always been the most attractive either - I know that's hard for you to imagine but it's true. Anyhow - the part that I love is how he loves me. He is a man of God, he honors our vows, he made a commitment to God and the love I feel from him today is hundred times deeper than the love I first felt.

Since I began going back to school he does the laundry (even if it means getting up at 3:00 in the morning), he takes the kids to school, does doctor duty, you name it and if I need it to be done he's there.

In fifteen years, Eric has never looked twice at another woman, he hasn't commented on how they look, not in person, on TV, in magazines - nothing! I hear comments made by other men, married men. It was just recently that I realized I've never heard Eric ever comment on other women. He has never once said a negative thing about me. I've taken him for granted; I didn't realize what I had until the Lord revealed those things in others around me. I know that scripture teaches us that no one is good but God, but I tell you, Eric is as good as any husband on this earth will be. He honors Jesus by honoring me and our commitment. I challenge you men to love your wives; I mean really love them - the way God intends.

Eric - I love you more today than I ever have. You mean more than I could ever verbalize. You've shown me what it means to love God and love each other. I pray you find peace and encouragement in your walk today. I pray you will accept the challenge God set before you many months ago and leap out on faith to serve Him with your talents. I'll support you all the way. I'm so thankful God gave you to me.

Friends and Family -
Be blessed today!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Our Sunday school lesson this past week was a word study on the word hope. Do you have hope? If so, what is your hope in?

MSN Encarta Dictionary defines hope as 1. confident desire. 2. likelihood of success: a chance that something desirable will happen or be possible. 3. wish or desire: something that somebody wants to have or do or wants to happen or be true. 4. source of success: somebody or something that seems likely to bring success or relief. 5. trust: a feeling of trust (archaic).

The original Hebrew word translates into trust (104x), confidence (4x), or secure (4x). As Christians our hope (be it here on earth or in eternity) is in Christ Jesus - what He did on the cross - and in the assurance God's word gives us that God will accept Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf. Our hope is based on facts, truth that has been revealed to us through the bible. The modern book definitions base hope on our expectations, desires or chance - while our desire may be the same as our assurance - it is by no means based on chance.

Too many times we place our hope in ourselves, our family, our church, or our jobs. Our teacher Brian pointed out that many Americans are placing their hope in our new president. That's a lot of pressure for one man. When Christ was crucified He had the full weight of every man's sin on His shoulders. He is the God-Man; He alone is powerful enough to be our hope.

So where am I going with this - I'm not sure. I've felt led for some time to share some things and can't figure out how to dive into them. I'm searching for something that connects them - I think its hope. Hope for us all.

I have a friend who's miserable. Her marriage is on hold - she and her husband have had no contact for a month, they've been separated for nearly six months. I see her pain, and I tell her that God is in control, God can heal her marriage, God is her hope. But is He, will He? Why is He taking so long to heal her marriage? Why won't He just snap His fingers or breath His powerful breath back in to their lives. What lesson are they to learn before He will restore their relationship. What lesson must others learn? Would God's will really involve them splitting up? Maybe we can justify divorce by saying that their marriage was never God's will to begin with. I don't think that's the answer. Love is a choice we make; we choose to love each other when we're not lovable. I've learned a lot about my own marriage by watching hers fall apart. I've learned to be thankful for the husband I have. I've learned to say, "I love you" with hope - with confidence in who Jesus is in our relationship - I love Eric because Jesus enables me to - not of my own power. I Think we often say, "I love you" out of habit - we must not only say it, but mean it and show it with our actions.

I will never condone divorce, rehabilitation can occur in any marriage - not to say that there aren't unsafe situations and that women (or men) should remove themselves from that situation. But I have to say - I've certainly felt like God is ignoring the pleas of His children in this situation (although I know He isn't). I've even come close to saying - give up, even though my heart still knows that my God is big enough to heal this.

There's a song by Casting Crowns, it's from an older album it's called Love Them Like Jesus, I've been hearing it a lot lately. Please take time to not only read the lyrics below but to hear them with your heart.

The love of her life is drifting away
They're losing the fight for another day
The life that she's known is falling apart
A fatherless home, a child's broken heart
You're holding her hand, you're straining for words
You trying to make - sense of it all
She's desperate for hope, darkness clouding her view
She's looking to you
Just love her like Jesus, carry her to Him
His yoke is easy, His burden is light
You don't need the answers to all of life's questions
Just know that He loves her and stay by her side
Love her like Jesus, Love her like Jesus
The gifts lie in wait, in a room painted blue
Little blessing from Heaven would be there soon
Hope fades in the night, blue skies turn to gray
As the little one slips away
You're holding her hand, you're straining for words
You're trying to make sense of it all
They're desperate for hope, darkness clouding their view
They're looking to you
Just love them like Jesus, carry them to Him
His yoke is easy, His burden is light
You don't need the answers to all of life's questions
Just know that He loves them and stay by their side
Love them like Jesus
Lord of all creation holds our lives in His hands
The God of all the nations holds our lives in His hands
The Rock of our salvation holds our lives in His hands
He cares for them just as He cares for you
So love them like Jesus, love them like Jesus
You don't need the answers to all of life's questions
Just know that He loves them and stay by their side
Love them like Jesus, Love them like Jesus

I hear that song and I think of people I know. It speaks of death and grief but there are so many things of darkness that cloud our view. I think of my own past hurts, I know that Jesus was there, He's here with us now. I know that He loves us and I know that if I can love them like He does and if I can help carry them to His feet that they will find refuge and that they will feel the glorious hope He has given me and all who call upon His name. It reminds me that He does hold our lives in His hands, He is completely capable of meeting our needs, healing our hurts and being our hope.

My desire this year is to share with others the hope that Jesus gives me, for God to take my sarcasm, pride, and apathy away, and to fill the gaping hole with more of Him. If only my actions would follow my heart. Pray with me please. Pray for my friend too.

So this isn't all that I've needed to share - it is what God would have for today. I pray God's blessing on each of your lives.

There's light at the end of the tunnel... and no, it's not a train.


Monday, January 5, 2009

Blog Worthy?

Didn't I say I would be updating you, my friends and family, every week or so? What happened? Life! How busy we have been. What have we been up to? Absolutely nothing... and everything. Strep, Thanksgiving, stomach bugs, birthdays, Christmas concerts x3, Gatlinburg, anniversary, christmas, colds, New Years. STOP! It's just too much.

School starts back on Wednesday for the kiddos and myself - maybe there will be some normalcy - whatever that is.

I've been contemplating what it means to be content and how we take so much for granted. I hope to share with you all soon. As it is I don't have time today to share. Check back soon. Have a wonderful evening. Let me know if any of you have made resolutions for this new year. Please pray for God's continued guidance in our lives and our obedience to follow Him.