Thursday, January 8, 2009


March 2008 brought a new life into our home. Christen has been such a joy. Babies always are! Her personality is rapidly developing into one that will give all of us a run for our money.

God has taught me to be grateful for the little moments in Christen's life. Several months after she was born I heard about Luke Sponberg's passing of SIDS. I was heartbroken for his family. We're regular listeners of Moody radio and I was constantly hearing Nicol's (his mom) songs being played. Her songs have such depth and meaning - I usually end up in tears. Without going into too much more detail I will just say my path crossed their path in more unexpected ways. At this same time Christen was going thru some ear infections, teething, upset stomach, etc spells where she just couldn't sleep. In the late nights or early mornings I would just hold her and think about how God had given me that moment with her and no matter how tired or irritable I was, it was far better than empty arms and the unimaginable that the Sponbergs and Smiths were having to endure.

Christen is going to be our adventurous child. She can't walk yet. But she will climb anything she can get her foot on. I've found her in standing in rocking chairs, crawling over the side of the recliner, climbing out of high chair - this she can do while buckled in!?? I see her being the one that sends us to the ER with broken bones or stitches (six kids and we've eluded this).

Most recently we are enduring another nasty ear infection. Christen's little body is affected by the antibiotics more than any of our other children have ever been. We're trying Probiotics this time around to see if they can offset the havoc wrecked by the Augmentin. Pray for her recovery and for her body to build resistance now that she is exposed to so much more in the daycare setting.

Christen - my dear baby girl. In this moment, you are the last child God has blessed us with. You are a light on dark days. I love to see your happy smile and the way you jump in your bed first thing in the morning. I love how - at the end of most days you drift off to sleep in your own bed secure in who you are and in the confidence you must have in us. I pray that as parents we won't let you down and that God would continue to watch over you - His arms are far safer than ours will ever be.

Find your joy in Jesus today!
- Heather

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