Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hmmm. Olivia is almost a teenager! What more can I say?

Honestly, Olivia is such a helper, not that she does it all willingly or with a happy spirit about herself. She does have many responsibilities. She set the bar pretty high at an early age so we expect so much out of her.

Anytime I'm asked if we're going have more children Tucker will say "Probably", and Olivia will say, "NO! They're done!" (Tucker's the prophet, remember). Gotta love her.

Laundry is her big chore right now and she hates it. How many of you like to do laundry? She also helps out a lot with bath time and keeping an eye on Nora Kate and Christen.

We do have spells of drama - I think she dreams big - but that's ok. She's got a little sass and sarcasm - but I know she's working on those. She enjoys singing and started playing drums this year in the school band. She also enjoys signing in church. I also happen to know she's a little boy crazy - pray with us please! We encourage our children to wait on the Lord to bring that special person into their lives. No need to "date" or "go with" anybody since God has a perfect plan and will for our lives. Not all of them will agree with us, but that's the hard part of parenting - doing what God tells you when they disagree - no one ever said it would be easy.

Olivia - You are our first born. God has and is using you to teach us so many lessons. We love you, for who you are not what you do. Please don't ever resent us or take your place in our family for granted - I pray that you will always appreciate where God has placed you. You do have a lot of resposibility on you and you are a good girl. Know that God can and will use these experiences now to make you the best you can be, whether it's as a wife, mother, or missionary (or all three). You have a lot to offer this world, don't be caught up in being like the other girls your age - be you!

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