Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It has been brought to my attention (by my sister and father) that I ran out of steam on the posts about the children and Eric. Laura thought I would be far mushier. My dad seems to think that Eric is some kind of super man or that I'm lying about how good he really is.

Let me first say it is really exhausting to try and put into words what you think and feel about 7 of the most important people in your life. My hope is that I will continue to post the little snippets of our life here to share with you. It is always my desire that people know that I am a child of a really AWESOME God who blessed me with a wonderful family - not a perfect one.

Eric is a wonderful husband that much I've already shared with you. I've been told my narrative was a little over the top and that surely he isn't that good. Well, the truth is, He is that good. Not that he doesn't have faults but as his wife, my job is to build him up not tear him down. God will work in those areas that need improvement without my nagging. What I didn't share with you is what a good father he is. Again - not perfect, but ever seeking to improve. One thing I admire about Eric is his willingness to say, "I'm sorry" or "I was wrong". If he ever punishes or criticizes the children or myself to harshly he will always come back to apologize or explain his judgment. He is such a humble man, God is just beginning really use him.

God is so good to us. Even through our trials, HE is GOOD. I have felt for some time that God was preparing us for a tragedy - I can't explain it. I felt as if what we went thru with Olivia illness (congestive heart failure) was a trial run - it's actually scary to think about. I don't think of it too negatively though. Let me try and explain - I keep hearing stories of people who have lost their children. I think I relate to that because of how close we feel we came to losing Olivia and obviously through what we experienced with our miscarriage. I don't necessarily think God will take one of our children through some great tragedy but I do believe He is preparing us to walk through some great valley. I don't wait on the fall, I wait upon the Lord, for He is Good.

School has been crazy and I've started slipping up a little when it comes to keeping my schedule straight. Work, school, Eric, the kids - sometimes it gets downright difficult! Pray that God will continue to strengthen me spiritually and physically that I might endure what is before me.

I pray you have the peace that passes all understanding. Remember, God is Good and He cares for you today!

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