Thursday, February 26, 2009

Are you serious?

Yes. We told our children last night. Christen, who's turning 1 in March, is going to be a big sister! I was a little concerned over what their reaction might be... for no good reason. They took the news great. Of course when we called all of them into the living room at one time with stupid-silly grins it didn't take long for Olivia and Rebekah to guess. It took Tucker a little longer to realize what was going on - when he did figure it out he was speechless - which is kind of unusual - you can imagine how hard he's praying for a brother! Kyle was quiet and retreated to her room. When I called her back to see what was up, she came and gave me a big hug and said I don't want you to be pregnant (that was the term Olivia kept saying, "She's pregnant!"), I asked why not and she just has this sad look on her face. I explained that God felt we needed one more baby, to that she said, "Oh! Ok." I told her I would need her to be a special helper, she was good with that and was off again. I think she thought "pregnant" was a disease. I've got a chronic case!

Speaking of God, I would like to elaborate on our stand regarding our belief in birth control, we don't. During these times, the whole 9 months I'm pregnant (Baby G is due 10.28.2009) people find it necessary to question if we know what causes this, sometimes they ask if we're catholic, when are you going to be through - all kinds of crazy stuff that considerate people wouldn't ask. I told a dear friend of mine that I was pregnant yesterday; I knew she would be supportive and needed to hear someone else laugh about this. However, one of the comments she made was, "Heather I was hoping you would wait a little while this time." If I were planning this it most certainly wouldn't have been now. I've selfishly prayed for God would close my womb. THIS, however, is about God's timing. I need to be clear here - IF I had done things in my time - I probably would only have 2 children - a girl and a boy. But God knows so much better than I do what is best for me. I think of the laughter and love I would have missed out on if my plan had succeeded.

I have prayed long and hard over the course of the last 6-9 years and I can't find any biblical support for interfering with procreation. God is the author of life and He alone allows a spirit to inhabit a body. I welcome any peaceful, unhurtful comments to the contrary.

Sometimes surrendering all means giving up some of your wants to make way for the needs God always supplies. I will be in the middle of my last year of nursing school when this baby makes his/her debut and at this time I don't plan to put that goal on hold. Any and all prayers for mental, physical and spiritual strength are coveted. Your prayers are our lifeline. You're a need God has filled. Consider yourself a tool in the Masters hand.

We love you!

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