Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nora Kate

A few weeks ago several of us had stomach bugs. Nora Kate was pretty pitiful, she couldn't hold anything down, and she was begging us for something to eat. I agreed to allow her a popsicle, we enjoyed them together - it was the first time in years that I'd had a popsicle. She couldn't keep it down - but that's not really a part of this story. Over the next couple of days she had several more popsicles.

The following Sunday we were getting in the van to go to church. I quickly grabbed a few tampons to put in my bag (which was already in the van); I opened the door and tossed them on top of my other things. Nora Kate wasn't buckled so I leaned back over to buckle her and she asked for a popsicle. I was quite puzzled because we don't normally have popsicles in the morning - we don't normally have popsicles at all. SO, I said, "You silly girl we don't have any popsicles." and sat back down in my seat. She just kept looking at me with expecting eyes and this sweet little smile, I said, "What is it?” She just pointed down to my bag. I burst into laughter. She thought I was stashing popsicles in my bag when she saw the banana flavored popsicles on top (yellow regular flow Tampax brand popsicles, TMI? Sorry but you have to envision what she saw). It was just too funny. So now the joke around the house is popsicles. Forevermore, when it's that time of the month we will have "popsicles" on our mind. They say laughter is medicine for the soul - with Nora Kate and Kyle around we should never have sick souls.

Continuing with the most recent events in Nora Kate's young life, Christmas was completely Dora. Not sure why she's so fascinated by Dora, maybe it's the whole name rhyming thing. She got Dora pillows, blankets, clothes, toys, plates, you name and she's got it. She and Kyle also got a new kitchen to play with.

Nora Kate loves her baby Christen. She doesn't just say Christen, sometimes it's Baby Christen and sometimes it’s just Baby. She loves her so much; I can see them being very close as they grow up together. She's very protective of her too. Each evening at daycare, when I pick her up, she immediately looks for her sister.

She's had several ear infections this year. We had tubes in September. They're doing the job - sort of - we're in the middle of a bad one at the moment. She had a real hard time with the anesthesia - hoping to never experience that again.
School (daycare) of course is the big life altering event in Nora Kate's life this year. It was a hard adjustment. She enjoys it now - with exception to this morning's drop off which I left in tears as she was screaming, "I want my mommy." Her teacher is leaving Friday so I hope the replacement, whom she knows, will be as good for her as Ms. Amber has been. We're also praying for spring - I think she'll feel better once she can play outside more.

She's getting a little sassy too. Her favorite words right now are "Hush" and "Right now!" I'm not sure where she gets this stuff, but she barks the commands to her siblings. Don't get me wrong, she can be very polite too. She says, "Excuse me", "Please", "Thank you", and even "You're welcome". She has eyes that will melt you instantly.

Nora Kate - God has given you a life that will speak volumes to others. I pray that you will continue to keep that spirit - and use it to bring glory to Him. I hope that you always know how much your daddy and I love you and no matter how many babies come in to our home you will always have a most special place in our hearts.

Press on toward the Goal.
- Heather

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